Do a survey of the ages of our National Directors, Heads of Departments, Field leaders etc and see the percentage of those in the age bracket of 45-50. Are we not tired of the “show”? Of being “the Commander”.
Jesus spent most of His ministry investing in a small number of followers who then invested in others. So why don’t we use that approach? Here are some obvious reasons:
- We are ignorant of the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19. Did not say, “Go and attract crowds” or “Go and preach to multitudes” or “Go and build churches.” We may do all that, but our priority should be relational discipleship: “Go and make disciples.” He spent 3 1/2 years investing in a small handful of followers.
- We have not been discipled ourselves.
How many of us had someone who mentored us. School of Missions teaches Cross – cultural communication, Theology of Missions etc, but Missionaries and Mission leaders cannot be made by education alone or by appointment. God’s servants are hand-made. Missionaries who will go and make disciples must receive hands-on training from caring mentors. Paul told the Corinthians, “I became your father through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15, NASB). Who is Fathered you?
- We no longer value relationships. When Jesus called His disciples, He appointed them “so that they would be with Himand that He could send them out to preach” (Mark 3:14, emphasis added). Jesus’ first desire was for a relationship; the work of the ministry was secondary. Would you rather accept to be blamed wrongly in order to keep a relationship?
- We lack patience for the process. There is nothing glamorous or sensational about discipleship. Spending three years leading a small group seems unimpressive. You may get frustrated because some of your disciples grow at a snail’s pace. But you never know the impact your disciples will make in the end.
- Our Carnality hinders us still.
We cannot mature others into Christ if we are still babes or bound by sinful habits. We can never bring others to spiritual maturity if we have not learned to overcome our immaturity.
- We want our Converts to stay immature. When children grow up, they leave their homes, get married and have their own families. This has been God’s plan since He told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). Jesus repeated this commission to His disciples when He said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and soprove to be My disciples” (John 15:8). Real disciples make disciples. They don’t just stay on to serve us continually. If you feel threatened in ministry, you will never want to teach men what you know. Our spiritual sons and daughters should surpass us in spiritual fruitfulness. Do away with childishness and begin to empower people under you.