In Rememberance of Bishop Stephen Kabachia
The sad news of the passing away of our dear colleague and brother, Bishop Stephen Kabachia after the long battle with ill-health was received by Reuben Ezemadu on 26 December 2013.
A brief biography of Bishop Kabachia.
Stephen Munyiri Kabachia was a young man in High School in the central part of the East African Country of KENYA. The Lord saved him and a strong call came upon his life. He immediately began to serve God and after High School pioneered a great ministry, Jesus Harvesters’ Ministry, in the Northern part of Kenya. As a trained teacher, having been through Teacher Training College in the Coastal Region of Kenya, Kabachia taught in the Somali populated part of Northern Kenya, particularly in the town of Garissa. It was in Garissa that the Lord gave him a vision of Jesus handing a flag which symbolized possession and dominion. That was a wake up call for his ministry to the Unreached peoples of North Kenya.
It was also in Northern Kenya that Stephen met Jennifer, a committed Christian graduate also working in that region.
They were married and travelled to the United States for much study and growth. Rev. Kabachia completed a BA, MA, M.Ed as well as a D. Min. Miss. Degree.
Upon return the couple have pioneered much ministry in Kenya and surrounding Nations, including Agape Church with over 100 branch churches.
Bishop and Mrs. Jennifer Kabachia are blessed with eight wonderful children.
- Bishop Dr. Steve Kabachia serves in various capacities in the following ministries:
- Bishop, Agape Churches in Kenya
- Senior Pastor, Agape Fellowship Center, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Founder and Board Member, Jesus Harvesters’ Ministry, USA
- Regional Co-ordinator, MANI (Movement of Africa National Initiatives), East Africa.
- Associate and Regional Coordinator, DAWN, East Africa.
- Board Member, FTT AFRISERVE Kenya
- Board Member, AEE (Africa Evangelistic Enterprise)
- Honorary Treasurer, EAK (Evangelical Alliance of Kenya)
- Board Member, ICM (International Christian Ministries)
- General Secretary, Nairobi Pastors’ Fellowship
- Principal, Harvesters’ Bible College
- Africa Affiliate, Globeworks Ministry
- Task Member, Transformation Africa
Mani Consultation 2011: My Expectation:
- To hear the African story of what God is doing through Africans being told by Africans themselves.
- To see the African church taking up the challenge of the unfinished task in the continent of Africa.
- The African church joining the Global church in Partnership towards world evangelization.
Further information on Ministry history
My Tribute to A Compatriot and Fellow General of the Gospel, Bishop (Dr) Stephen Kabachia
My path first crossed that of Dr. Stephen Kabachia in the eighties as both of us as emerging leaders from the continent began to find ourselves at the global evangelical forums where African voices then seemed to be very silent or low. As the Lord granted us the opportunity to initiate and lead indigenous ministries that were not necessarily extensions or appendages of Western Missions/Ministries as was popular those times, we began to find common grounds from which to champion the renaissance of indigenous efforts in advancing the cause of the Kingdom that have been gaining ground in our continent our the years.
We belonged to and served in several evangelical, Pentecostal and missionary movements at the various levels, namely, the John Knox Fellowship which eventually became DAWN Ministries, AD 2000 & Beyond Movement, Global Kingdom Partnership Network, African Round Table, Pan African Leadership Team for Lausanne Cape Town 2010, and of course the Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI). As has been articulated in other tributes and MANI related documents, Dr. Kabachia was the one who made the now popular “NEVER AGAIN…” statement at Global Consultation on World Evangelization (GCOWE) 1997 in Pretoria, South Africa which set off the impetus for initiating the Kenya Finish The Task (KFTT) that modeled the process of the evolution a national initiative in reaching the unreached peoples of a nation. It was Dr. Stephen Kabachia too, who at the African Millennium Consultation of March 2001 in Jerusalem, that read and moved the “Jerusalem Declaration” through which MANI came into existence.
Having trained and ministered in the West for a good period of time, Dr. Kabachia never lost his bearing and connection with his African root as had been the case with many. Rather such an opportunity of having links and roots both in the West and in Africa made him to become the best model of Biblical qualities and characteristics of a networker, peacemaker, reconciler and bridge-builder I have ever met and worked with in my Christian life.
In his role as the Regional Coordinator for MANI in the East African Region, he facilitated the hosting of the Post-AMC consultation (tagged MANI 2006 Consultation) in March 2006 in Nairobi as well as the first MANI Diaspora Consultation in 2008 also in Nairobi. He has been MANI’s representative in our fraternal collaboration with our Latin American colleagues. He has also been a Co-Chairman of the MANI Continental African Denominational Leaders Network (representing the Pentecostal arm of the African Church) that is facilitating the Africa Heads of Churches Forum that is now slated for February 2015. A true servant of the Lord and good shepherd of God’s flock under his bishopric, he has served in a number of bridging efforts across denominational and Christian parochial divides within Kenya, across the continent and further around the world.
We will miss his infectious disposition towards love, peace, faith and goodwill postures among the brethren. We will miss his power to rally people around worthy causes and inspire vision for reaching the highest goals. But we are confident that as a gallant soldier and a General in God’s army, he has completed his earthly assignment and has been promoted to a higher call to duty in the presence of our Supreme Commander of the Hosts of Heaven, the King of Kings, Lord of lords, in whose presence we all shall one day also appear and the company of the Triumphant Church to which we all shall one day join!
Adieu, our Beloved Colleague and Fellow Soldier of the Cross! Enjoy your well-deserved rest in the bosom of our Lord till we arrive to join you!
Reuben Ezemadu,
MANI Continental Coordinator,
On and on behalf of the MANI Leadership Team
Though I am saddened to hear of this news, I will always remember the example that Dr. Kabachia set at GCOWE 97, when he declared that ‘never again’ would a Kenyan delegation attend a global meeting to learn of Un-reached People Groups in their own country. He and other Kenyan leaders returned to their country to form a network which would be instrumental in sending church planting teams to all UPGs in Kenya.
Stephen accepted the challenge and worked with other leaders to see that situation changed. That is what MANI is about – national leaders together, working on the unfinished task!
This is very sad news indeed! But God knows best. I commiserate with our dear brethren- Dr. Judy Mbugua and Dr. Njuguna and the rest of our Kenyan brothers and sisters. May the Lord comfort his family, relatives, friends and members of the Agape Ministry.
This is really hard. Lets however be comforted by God’s omniscience. Hé heard our many prayers but His Will is the best outcome there could be. Now lets pray for the family and congregation that are in pains at this time. May God keep them and comfort them. Amen.
Emma Nwachukwu
It is with shock that I learnt that our dear brother passed away. He had such a soft spirit. He will be missed.
Praying for his family and his church family.
Peter Tarantal
The news of Stephen’s home-going touches me deeply. He was a cherished friend, an inspirational leader and a profound encourager. In addition to the thoughts shared by Ross below and others in previous messages regarding Steve’s influence on the continent, I remember vividly the way the Lord used him to inspire our Latino brethren as he represented MANI at the COMIBAM Assembly in Bogota, Colombia and later in Argentina. Steve was a statesman whose life stimulated partnering around the Great Commission. And he is now receiving the Father’s “well done!”
With you,
Dean Carlson
This is a sad note to end the year on, but we rejoice in the fact that our brother played a major role in turning the Church in the right direction with vision and leadership. May the Lord grant us grace to do same and remain on track.
May we continue to pray for his family, friends, ministry and the Kenyan Church.
Sampson + Janet Dorkunor
The news of Bishop Kabachia’s death came to me with shock.
Dr. Kabacia and Dr. Njuguna and their spouses have been our prayer partners for several years. They used to come to our home every Friday, and I can just him kneeling and crying to God for nations and for Kenya. He would then break out in vernacular worship songs. We missed them when they went on sabbatical to USA. We continued with the prayers and we would call him to hear of his prayer requests. May God help us to give ourselves to His mission before He comes or calls us home.
Judy Mbugua
Our hearts are saddened with a deep sense of loss mixed with a time of celebration for Dr. Kabachia’s transition to something really worthy of being called “life.” He finally has his heart’s desire, Jesus Himself! We will continue to pray for his family and all the logistics in these coming days.
Gord & Carole
Doris and Luis Bush:
Thank you for this advisory. What a wonderful testimony.
We had warm exchange in New York where he participate at the conference we cosponsored with Tim Keller.
With our love
Luis and Doris
Dawie and Isebel Spangenberg – Global Day of Prayer
It is so good to hear from you even under these sad circumstances. Thank you for letting us know about the passing away of our brother Stephen. We have only fond memories of him. Dawie is notifying Graham as we speak.
Love and blessings
Isebel Spangenberg
Johan and Christa Combrinck – Afnet.
Johan and Christa also responded passing on their condolences but I can’t find the message.
Many thanks for your email and the details of the passing of our brother and friend Dr. Kabachia. You are very right; I still remember his zeal, dedication and determination to the ministry of evangelization.
I will pray for his family and whatever work he left unfinished.
Godfred Lema.
Please, accept our Condolences on Bishop Stephen Kabachia’s death. We sympathies with Bishop Stephen’s family, relatives, and the Church as they experience the loss of their beloved one.
We people with hope “God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with Christ. Therefore encourage one another.” (1 Thess. 5:9-10).
We thank God for Bishop Stephen Kabachia, who shared with us those given gifts so that the body of Christ be build up. I first met Bishop Stephen at MANI 2006 held at the Kenya College of Communication and Technology in Nairobi, 27 February to 3 March and by then he was the MANI-EA Coordinator. The work of MANI that Bishop Stephen Kabachia participated stands as a testimony to us today as his involvement in the “Great Commission” to reach unreached people group.
Again, please pass on our condolences to Bishop Stephen’s family, relatives, the Church, and to all who are concern.
Bishop Christopher M. Ndege,
Tanzania Mennonite Church-the Diocese of Serengeti and Uganda:
Thank you for letting me know. I am so sorry about Stephen’s passing on but it is a matter of time and we will all follow one by one. The most important thing is for each of us to finish our God assigned task.
Sarah Irumba []
It is very sad to learn of the passing of Bishop Kabachia and we rejoice for the service he rendered not only in Kenya, East Africa but to the whole continent of Africa and indeed the whole world. We will greatly miss him. We will pray with the family.
I am glad that someone like Reuben will represent MANI.
Nicholas Wafula []
What a sad story! It is an unfortunate story.
Thank you for letting me know.
Dennis Odoi []
Dear Sister in Christ Jesus, Pastor Jennifer Kabachia and Agape Fellowship Church in Nairobi Kenya and Ministries in Africa and Worldwide
Gracious greetings to you in the name of Jesus, our beloved Comforter. I am so sorry to learn of your dear husband Bishop Kabachia Stephan’s home going.
I regret hearing this, but I am sure he is now in heaven. Yet, my heart is very broken because of your anguish. I do want you to know that my lovely wife, Liberata (Mama Samuel) she passed away on 18th November after three years of suffering and painful with anemia’s sickness, and funeral was on 23 November 2013 and our last funeral rites ceremony done on 14th December 2013, but we still in grieves because of the loss of a Mother of our 8 Children as four daughters and four Sons and Grand Mother of two grand sons.
Dear Sister in Christ Jesus Pastor Jennifer and the wife of Bishop Stephen Kabachia and your entire Family and Agape Fellowship Church, I will be praying for you. We will lift you up unto the Lord and we will pray that God’s Holy Spirit will give you His presence in the absence of your dear loved one.
Trust Jesus with all of your heart, and then once you have dealt with the process of grieving, please try to see what special thing God wants to do in your life because of your loss. Surely, God has something special for you. He knows that you will come forth much stronger and even more empathetic to others’ needs as the result of this storm in your life. Again, please know that we are praying for you. God bless you! With our condolences to you all in Jesus Name. Revelation 14:13
Prayerfully yours
What a shocking news for me and my family to notice unexpectedly! I really feel very sad. I know he is with the Lord, more happier than when he was on earth, but still we are sorrowful to lose such a great man of God in the great ministry he was doing here with us. I’m really deeply saddened in my heart to hear this shocking news of my dear brother and a great servant of the Lord.
May the Lord comfort his dear wife and entire family during these moments of bereavement.
Simeon Havyarimana
So sad to hear the passing away of Bishop Stephen- sad news indeed. May God comfort the family.
Freddy Tuyizere (
It is indeed a sad news to hear of the passing of Dr Stephen Kabachia. Yes, I had personal good interactions and sharing in the Kingdom with him. He was such a person whose desire was to make an impact on the church for the glory of God. We in Burundi will remember him for the frequent visits he made to encourage the Body of Christ to be more mission minded and catch the zeal to “finish the task” and make Christ known throughout the country.
I pray for his family as he receives his eternal reward.
David Niyonzima
Steve was of great encouragement to me in the short span of time I knew him and the very brief opportunities we had to dialogue. He had a great smile and was very keen to connect with and serve the COMIBAM community. I remember he was invited to the southern region of Latin America and was able to visit and participate in events there. I am copying Daniel Bianchi, who invited him and was responsible for his visit there.
Personally and on behalf of COMIBAM I want to offer the MANI family and Steve’s family and church in Kenya our condolences and prayers. We certainly rejoice in Steve’s final victory, but also in his wonderful life and ministry, which gives us joy and the assurance of His grace and love over our lives. Please convey this to the MANI leadership, Steve’s family and others you believe would be encouraged by this expression.
- Dios te bendiga,
- Decio de Carvalho
- Director Ejecutivo | Diretor Executivo | Executive Director
COMIBAM Internacional|Celebrando 25 Años del Movimiento Misionero Iberoamericano