: News


Happy New Year 2021 to all in the MANI Regions and Ministry Networks. We are thankful to the Lord Almighty for the way He has brought us through the last year amid a global pandemic. Our God remains the Lord of lords and King of kings as He continues to draw people back to Himself and so we worship and honour Him for the way he holds all things together for His glory and praise.

We would hereby like to inform you that considering the uncertainties surrounding cross border travel even as countries engage in rolling out vaccines for Covid-19, the MANI Leadership Team has decided to postpone the in-person MANI 2021 Continental Consultation that was scheduled from 8-12 March 2021 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast to March 2022. The exact dates will be communicated in due course. In the meantime, there will be various Regional Consultations held to build momentum towards the Continental gathering in 2022. May we all remain in prayer and engaged in reaching the unreached wherever the Lord has placed us at such a time as this.

Please circulate this announcement in your various constituencies, contact groups, and platforms.

In Christ’s service,
Reuben Ezemadu




06-10 May 2019

RCCG Redemption Resort, Redemption Camp, Ogun-State, NIGERIA



We want to deeply appreciate the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to the delegates of the Congress by the RCCG Redemption Resort, Redemption Camp, and the MANI Anglophone West Africa Region 2 (Nigeria).

The Congress attracted 82 delegates of various denominations from 9 countries respectively: 5 people from Ghana, 1 person from Canada, 1 person from USA, 1 person from France, 1 person from Chad,  9 people from Kenya, 3 people from Republic of Benin, 1 person from New Zealand and 60 people from Nigeria – 10 States.

On each day, the meeting had devotions, presentation of focus and critical issues on discipleship and presentation of discipleship models. Break out groups’ discussions delved further into the issues and models presented.

The following summary captures the feeling and reflections of the Congress:

  1. We underscore the imperative for the Church to acknowledge and understand the threats and dangers facing the next generation and the huge responsibility of reclaiming and preserving God’s heritage in the next generation.
  2. We affirm that the Church in Africa is in danger of losing the next generation because she has lost focus on the need to intentionally disciple the next generation by placing less and less premium on this aspect of her call and mandate.
  3. The present discipleship models and methods used by the past generation will not be effective for discipling the next generation. Therefore, we need to re-think and re-work how we do discipleship so as to capture the mind of the young people.
  4. To be effective in discipling the next generation, we need to understand the current worldviews of the younger generation that are shaping their culture and find the key to meeting them at that point.
  5. This meeting stressed the irreplaceable impact and the importance of the family as an integral unit in the reclaiming and preserving the next generation. It is the primary responsibility of the parents to disciple their children through teaching and modelling and mentoring.
  6. Children have great value – a value found in their precious, God-created souls – not in their family background or circumstances. For this reason, ministry to children must become the most strategic ministry of the church. The church must invest time, materials, prayers, teaching and expertise for equipping parents and guardians on discipling children.
  7. One of the greatest tools or needs for successful discipling of the next generation is the interface of the trifecta of influences – Family, Church and the Bible, for spiritual growth and the stamina to withstand the barrages and storms of life.
  8. Pastors must be a personal model of discipleship in their families so that their Churches may emulate their examples. Pastors must shepherd their flocks – nourishing and encouraging them. Pastors (and the Church) must equip the saints for the work of service – especially the work of discipleship.
  9. The Church must not underestimate the ability of children to accept Christ and learn as they are being discipled. The Church must encourage, equip and facilitate the family to carry out its responsibility in this.
  10. There has been a missing link in the prosecution of the Great Commission somewhere along the line. Thus, the Church must recapture the holistic concept of the Great Commission which are Missions, Evangelism, and Discipleship – all of which are carried out by believers in and worshippers of Christ.
  11. The discipler must be faithful, humble, open to God’s voice, active, patient and willing to pass on what God has placed on him. The discipler must be willing to listen to and understand the disciple and model a Christ-like life because the discipler cannot pass on what they are not.
  12. The disciple must be passionate about the things of God, willing and available, teachable, open to God’s voice and action, obedient and humble in all areas of life.
  13. The meeting acknowledged the reality of the statistics on the development stages of children that are necessary for the Church and parents to learn from. However, the statistics must never be a source of discouragement to the church or parents – God is able to redeem past shortcomings by committed discipling.
  14. We implore and urge all the regions of MANI to domesticate and replicate this consultation in their various Regions and Countries to further the cause of the urgency of Discipleship of the Next generation in Africa.





Do a survey of the ages of our National Directors, Heads of Departments, Field leaders etc and see the percentage of those in the age bracket of 45-50. Are we not tired of the “show”? Of being “the Commander”.


Jesus spent most of His ministry investing in a small number of followers who then invested in others. So why don’t we use that approach? Here are some obvious reasons:


  1. We are ignorant of the Great Commission. 

 Matthew 28:19. Did not say, “Go and attract crowds” or “Go and preach to multitudes” or “Go and build churches.” We may do all that, but our priority should be relational discipleship: “Go and make disciples.” He spent 3 1/2 years investing in a small handful of followers.


  1. We have not been discipled ourselves. 

How many of us had someone who mentored us. School of Missions teaches Cross – cultural communication, Theology of Missions etc, but Missionaries and Mission leaders cannot be made by education alone or by appointment. God’s servants are hand-made. Missionaries who will go and make disciples must receive hands-on training from caring mentors. Paul told the Corinthians, “I became your father through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15, NASB). Who is Fathered you?


  1. We no longer value relationships. When Jesus called His disciples, He appointed them “so that they would be with Himand that He could send them out to preach” (Mark 3:14, emphasis added). Jesus’ first desire was for a relationship; the work of the ministry was secondary. Would you rather accept to be blamed wrongly in order to keep a relationship?


  1. We lack patience for the process. There is nothing glamorous or sensational about discipleship. Spending three years leading a small group seems unimpressive. You may get frustrated because some of your disciples grow at a snail’s pace. But you never know the impact your disciples will make in the end.


  1. Our Carnality hinders us still.

We cannot mature others into Christ if we are still babes or bound by sinful habits. We can never bring others to spiritual maturity if we have not learned to overcome our immaturity.


  1. We want our Converts to stay immature. When children grow up, they leave their homes, get married and have their own families. This has been God’s plan since He told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). Jesus repeated this commission to His disciples when He said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and soprove to be My disciples” (John 15:8). Real disciples make disciples. They don’t just stay on to serve us continually. If you feel threatened in ministry, you will never want to teach men what you know. Our spiritual sons and daughters should surpass us in spiritual fruitfulness. Do away with childishness and begin to empower people under you.



Transformational Discipleship: 4 keys for children’s ministry

Transformational Discipleship: 4 keys for children’s ministry

“Many churches equate discipleship with knowledge … but the essence of discipleship is transformational not informational. Jesus did not merely ask us to teach everything He commanded. He asked us to teach people to obey everything He commanded, and the difference is massive (Matthew 28:19). The end result of discipleship is not merely the knowledge of all Jesus commanded but the obedience to all Jesus commanded.” 1

Greg Baird poses this pivotal question regarding children: “Are you practicing informational discipleship in your ministry, or transformational discipleship?” 2

Baird continues, “Informational discipleship is focused on delivering content to kids. Bible stories, character qualities and spiritual truth. These are all important & even necessary. However, if our ministries stop there, all we are going to be doing is creating informed disciples.

“It’s not enough,” says Greg. “Instead, we need to be focused on transformational discipleship. This is where delivery of content is second to relational investment. You see, relationship allows for content to be observed in real life. We can teach about grace and forgiveness and the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. And I am not questioning that the power of God’s Word is sufficient. However, when a child not only hears it, but sees it in real life (which can only happen through relationship), then the potential for transformation in their own lives is exponentially multiplied.”

Greg provides these four ideas to help take your children’s ministry from informational to transformational:

  1. Live a transformed life yourself.
    And expect your leaders to do so, as well. Our ministry should flow from a transformed life. A deep & abiding relationship with Jesus should characterize us. A commitment to being in the Word and praying should be non-negotiables. A dependence on the Holy Spirit in our teaching & interactions should be evident. Surely, we can’t expect to be used to transform others if we are not first transformed ourselves, can we?
  2. Create a culture in your ministry where relationships are central.
    This begins with you, the leader, and must be lived out and taught to your team (staff or volunteer). Start with the first “recruiting” conversation and let the idea of “relationship” drip from every conversation. Teach your team to speak the same language and follow up by living it in every interaction.
  3. Find ways for every child to receive focus.
    This should be a natural part of creating relationships. However, being intentional about meeting the needs of each child is critical. Too often we try to disciple en masse – the kids show up, learn as a group, and go home. But that one child who’s family is falling apart…he doesn’t need to hear the story of Noah today, he needs someone to focus on him and his needs.
  4. Equip parents to disciple their own kids.
    What we do in church is important, but the investment – or non-investment – by Mom & Dad is critical. Their relationship with the child is the one that really matters more than any other. As church leaders, we need to understand that most parents want to invest in their children, but most feel completely inadequate to do so. But we get so busy planning the next great event, or get bogged down in the details of ministry, or fret over our recruiting challenges, that we forget to invest in the single greatest discipleship opportunity we have – equipping parents.

According to Dr. Thomas Sanders, curriculum is one key component of transformational discipleship: “The purpose of curriculum should be to help boys and girls learn to follow God’s plan for their lives.” 3

Transformational Discipleship

DiscipleLand’s family of resources forms a comprehensive Children’s Discipleship System™ – an intentional, relational, and transformational discipleship process. Your children can achieve balanced growth in Bible knowledge, Christ-like character, and faithful conduct.
Nursery curriculum (birth–age 3) includes everything your volunteers need to provide spiritual nourishment for your little lambs.
Preschool children (ages 3–5) progress through Old and New Testament stories to discover God’s greatness and plan.
Kindergarten kids (ages 5–6) overview the entire Bible and meet 48 different Bible personalities along the way.
•For the Elementary years (grades 1–6), choose from these options:
Core Bible challenges children to become victorious disciples via 6 years of sequential Bible curriculum
Adventure motivates kids to pursue their discipleship journey via essential Bible topics
DiscipleTown equips kids with vital discipleship skills.

Click here for your free Fall Resource Catalog.

1 Transformational Discipleship. Eric Geiger. Web 2012.
2 Greg Baird. Informational or Transformational. Used with permission. Web 2012.
3 Thomas “Tommy” Sanders. Choosing Curriculum for Children’s Ministry. Web 2012.


The Spiritual Life is Caught, Not Taught

The Spiritual Life is Caught, Not Taught
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman

April 01, 2019

“Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah” (1 Kings 19:20).

There is a man in my life who I consider my mentor. He came into my life during a crisis period and helped me understand my situation. I have learned a great deal from him. I have rarely spent more than a few hours in his presence at any one time. However, I did not learn from him through a formal arrangement. I mostly caught what I have learned. He never took me through a Bible study. He never sent me articles or things to read. I learned by being around him.

One day I had a crisis situation arise. I remembered what my mentor did in a crisis in his life. I decided to apply the same faith principle to that issue. Amazingly, a miracle occurred because I appropriated faith, just as my mentor had, to my crisis. This is what I mean by catching the faith of another. Spiritual truth is learned through the atmosphere that surrounds us, not through intellectual reasoning.

When Elijah handpicked Elisha as his successor, Elisha immediately killed his twelve set of oxen and ran after Elijah just to be with him. No doubt he knew what a great privilege it was to be selected by the great prophet. However, it was not enough for Elisha to be handpicked. He also wanted a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. It appears that God answered this prayer.

If you want to grow in your Christian life, ask God to lead you to a man or woman who is far ahead of you spiritually and simply start hanging out with them. As you walk alongside them you will begin to catch what they have. You will begin appropriating the anointing that is on their lives that will mix perfectly with your unique gifting and talents.

We need more people today who are willing to run after their “Elijahs.”





The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) is a network of networks (Movement) focused on catalyzing African National Initiatives and mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Africa for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.



The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) emerges from a 40-year history of African national movements and given full expression during the AD 2000 AND BEYOND MOVEMENT era.


The history of National Initiatives in Africa dates to the 1960’s when many African nations gained independence.  These indigenous initiatives started from the launching of saturation evangelism movements in Zaire and the central plateau of Nigeria in the mid 1960’s. Over the past fifty years, at least 37 African countries have launched National Initiatives to mobilize churches and ministries for national and global evangelization.

The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) was birthed when 320 delegates from 36 African nations met in Jerusalem for the African Millennial Consultation in March 2001.  Building upon the legacy of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement, these African leaders affirmed God’s powerful work across the continent and committed to accelerate the advance of the Gospel through networking and collaboration.  This gathering shared the divine conviction that: Africa’s hour had come to take primary responsibility for the final gospel thrust in Africa and beyond; and the African Church was uniquely positioned to play a major role in world evangelization in the 21st century. The delegates determined to establish a continuing African movement recognizing that the AD 2000 and Beyond Movement which encouraged many nations in Africa to develop National Initiatives to mobilize national churches to respond to the Great Commission mandate was in the process of disbanding. Therefore, the Participants unanimously adopted the ‘Jerusalem Declaration,’ affirming their commitment to pick up the torch for national and global evangelization, as laid down by the AD 2000 and Beyond Movement.


MANI’s purpose is to affirm, motivate, mobilize and network Christian leaders (Churches) by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached and least evangelized in Africa, and the wider world, through advocacy and support for National Initiatives, the communication of up to date research, reports and models; consultations and prayer efforts focusing on the unfinished task.

MANI encourages the mobilization of national churches and ministries in partnership with the wider body of Christ to:


  1. 1. Identify and reach out to the least evangelized people groups, geographical areas and classes of society in their country through integrated, transformational church planting initiatives employing PCP, SCP, and CPM strategies.
  2. Play a significant role in reaching the least evangelized peoples and nations worldwide (world mission).
  3. Develop a cooperative national strategy designed to saturate their country with accessible groups of believers (saturation church planting) and facilitate a process of transformation (radical discipleship)


MANI flows out of the conviction that: 1) The Church in Africa has a crucial role to play in the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the 21st century; 2)  The Church in Africa has the ministry gifts, manpower, and material resources to complete this task in Africa and to make a significant contribution towards global evangelization; and 3)  Through the focused deployment of the resources of the African Church, we can partner with the global church to achieve the target of “a church for every people and the gospel for every person” in the countries of Africa and the world.

As an indigenous movement, it is helping churches and ministries work together and linking strategic networks for the mobilization of the African Church.   MANI has a working partnership with the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and serves to bridge the African Church with global networks and African Christians in the Diaspora.  Members of the MANI Leadership Team relate closely with the WEA Missions Commission, the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the Great Commission Roundtable, the Third World Missions Association and with global initiatives such as Joshua Project and Operation World. 


The Two Main Planks for the Realization of the MANI Vision

  1. Facilitating the Country Assessment Process from whatever stage it is in each country and making the result available for the mobilization of the Church towards engaging the identified UGPs/LRPs or undertaking whatever intervention that is necessary to ensure that every one hears the gospel in their contexts and that every people group has a transforming church present in their midst.
  2. Catalyzing the emergence of functional National Initiatives in each country where none is in existence; and strengthening and encouraging existing national initiatives from the stage where they are now to the next stages.

Regional Coordinators, National Contact Persons/Advocates and the Ministry Network Coordinators are to work hand in hand to see that these two main planks of the MANI vision are pursued in every country and region with renewed zeal and commitment.

Avenues through which MANI carries out its facilitating and catalyzing functions

  1. Through the five yearly continental consultations as well as other issue-focused, interest based consultations organized at regional, national or ministry network levels.
  2. Through the activities and programmes of the following Ministry Networks:
  • Networks which are STRATEGIC for the MOBILIZATION Aspect of the realization of the overall MANI vision, such as Younger Leaders, Children, Women, Denominational Leaders, Church Planting Movement and Strategic Prayer Networks. The networks in this category are just evolving and therefore would need to be integrated into and nurtured by the MANI Leadership Team 
  • The Functional Networks which are STRATEGIC for the IMPLEMENTATION Aspect of the MANI vision include Transformational Discipleship, Media, Member Care, Orality, M2M, Chinese in Africa, Resource Mobilization & Ministry Sustainability in Africa, etc. The networks in this category are already functioning with their own established leadership and structure.

It is emphasized that every Ministry Network that is (or seeks to be) affiliated with MANI must have as its purpose of affiliation the realization of the MANI objectives as stated above (and consistent with the Expected Outcomes of the various consultations) which must be incorporated in their statement of purpose and articulated in their plans of action.

Strategic Consultations as avenues through which MANI carries out its Facilitating and Catalyzing Functions

Strategic Consultation is one of the primary engagements of MANI. Renewed vision, strategic plan and focused zeal for the fulfillment of the Great Commission is usually the result when Church leaders gather together, at an opportune time, sharing the right information without sentiments. Every five years MANI holds her Continental Consultation while other regional, ministry network, national or interest based consultations hold as and when necessary. The objective of every consultation is to celebrate what God is doing in, with and through the African Church in furthering His redemption plan among the peoples of the continent and the world, review past objectives, listen to God for fresh insights, leading and direction, to focus our energy on such directives during the intervening period before the next consultation comes up.




In July 1997, 1,200 African leaders from 46 nations came together in a consultation on African National Initiatives at the GCOWE ’97 in South Africa. This consultation accelerated the birthing and development of structured African National Initiatives. This catalytic event led to the proliferation of new national movements, such as Finish the Task Kenya. 


In March 2001, 320 delegates from 36 African nations met in Jerusalem for the African Millennial Consultation to celebrate and share the blessings of God in the evangelization of Africa over the years, and to consult together on the unfinished task in Africa and the world. This consultation gave birth to MANI, a strong continental awakening of Africa’s Kairos Moment.

MANI CAIM 2003 – Ibadan, Nigeria

In 2003, MANI convened a consultation on AFRICAN INDIGENOUS MISSIONS at which the various issues, models, structures and strategies of African indigenous efforts were articulated, shared and documented in a compendium with similar title.

MANI 2006 – Nairobi, Kenya

Two years later in 2006, the world watched as 520 leaders from 49 African nations gathered at MANI 2006 in Nairobi to pray, share best practices and assess the unfinished task in Africa.  They celebrated the dynamic growth of the African Church and faced up to critical challenges. Commitments were made to advance national initiatives and to cooperate regionally to advance the Great Commission.

Nearly every African nation was represented by a delegation of high level leaders representing the major sections of the Body of Christ. The consultation created the platform to celebrate the vibrant growth of the African Church and to voice profound hope in the Lord’s intentions for the continent. The following years witnessed a continental harvest on the critical issues raised at the consultation: necessities of transformational discipleship, transformational leadership, united prayer, and empowerment of women for ministry, initiatives to tackle the social and economic challenges the Church and people of Africa are facing through holistic community transformation ministry interventions, taking more seriously the challenge of Islam, etc. Out from Nairobi 2006 was the challenge to clarify the task and refocus attention on reaching the remaining unreached peoples of Africa, hence the launching of the Country Assessment Process (CAP)

MANI 2011 – Abuja, Nigeria

In September 2011, a total of 614 participants from 60 countries gathered in Abuja Nigeria for the consultation of the Movement for African National Initiatives. This Consultation gave birth to Strategic Networks: Denominational Leaders, Emerging Leaders, African Women in Ministry, Strategic Prayer Network, etc, and many untold testimonies of post consultation engagements at local, regional and network levels. Through the CAP carried out in the past five years, it was discovered that an estimated 970 leastreached people groups in Africa do not yet have a viable indigenous Christian fellowship in their midst. The majority of these are in a belt stretching from Senegal in the West to Somalia in the East of the continent. Here, where Christianity of the South engages Islam of the North, the missionary task of the church is usually the hardest, and the greatest sacrifices are required. The African church is uniquely positioned to spread the sweet fragrance of Christ (2 Cor. 2:15) in these areas and to ensure the expansion of the Body of Christ to North Africa, where it once was so strong, and from there to the Middle East, Europe and beyond. We have heard God’s command to the African church to “Go North” and we commit ourselves to obey. We appreciate the hard work already done to gather data about unreached people and the most effective response of the church. More work is needed in this task and we are willing to assist in this important task of scouting the land (Num. 13) and exploring what needs to be done (Nehemiah 2). It was also decided by the Denominational Leaders Network to convene a Summit at which the African Church leaders will be encouraged to own and drive the last push of the African Church towards reaching the identified remaining least reached/unreached people groups in Africa. 

MANI AHC SUMMIT 2016 – Accra, Ghana

The African Heads of Churches Summit, convened in Gomoa-Fetteh, Accra, Ghana, with the theme, “African Churches’ Response to the Critical Issues Facing Christian Witness in Africa and the World Today.” 1 Chronicles 12:32. There were about 105 from over 20 Church denominations in Africa. The Goal of the Summit was to facilitate a platform/forum where strategic awareness was generated and action provoking QUESTIONS were raised, discussed and agreed upon by a catalytic group of African Church leaders on critical issues that present threats and opportunities for the African Church in fulfilling the Priestly, Prophetic and Apostolic (missionary) mandate of the Body of Christ in the continent and from the continent of Africa to the rest of the world in the 21st Century and beyond, if Christ tarries.


MANI 2016 Continental Consultation is the 3rd of the post-Africa Millennial Consultation (AMC 2001) is aimed at ensuring that every effort in carrying out what we understand as the mission mandate of the African Church in the present context and realities of events in our continent and in the world, is being done according to the dictate and leading of the Holy Spirit, God’s Director of Missions, hence the theme chosen for this period. Five hundred and sixty (560) delegates from more than fifty (50) countries gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 7 to 11 March 2016 for the third consultation of the Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI). The consultation took place in the African Union Centre where heads of African states and their representatives meet to deal with issues affecting the African continent. Significantly, Ethiopia also represents Africa’s early and unbroken connection with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (e.g. Acts 8:27-39). As stated in the consultation theme, “Hearing and obeying God in times like these“, we placed ourselves alongside the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3 to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to his church in Africa regarding our mission in this world. The Addis Ababa Consultation was significant in several ways. Firstly, it was hosted by the oldest Church in the continent. Secondly, it was held on the premises of the African Union, the political seat of the Africa. Thirdly, we had participants from all the four continental geographical regions (North, South, East and West Africa), the Indian Ocean Islands and Africans in the Diaspora. Fourthly, there were fraternal delegates from Chinese, Asian, North & South American, and European Church who brought greetings and shared of the great doings of the Lord in their parts of the world and extended hand of fellowship and partnership to the African Church in these days of God’s power among the nations!

“We were reminded of the great need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe, once the heart of Christendom. At the 2011 MANI consultation, we clearly heard God’s call to “Go North”. We rejoice over advances already made and hear again God’s mandate and invitation to increase our efforts and focus. As Ethiopia reminds us of Africa’s earliest response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the faithful preservation of our faith throughout the centuries, we want to erect a spiritual memorial to declare that the Church in Africa will not rest until the whole world is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14}.

 From Addis to everywhere … until Jesus comes”.


An African National Initiative is a strategic, national process designed to mobilize the whole Body of Christ to complete the Great Commission within its borders and to send Africans in mission to the least-evangelized of the world.   The goal is to see healthy churches transforming every community throughout a nation and beyond.  United by common vision and solid information, national initiatives take a unique form in every country and assume a local name, such as Ghana Evangelism Committee (GEC), Nigeria Finish-The-Task Network (FINTASK); the World Evangelization Network of South Africa (WENSA), Finish the Task (Kenya-FTT), the Zimbabwe National Evangelism Task(ZIMNET), Swaziland Evangelism Task, the Disciple Namibia Movement, and continental/global networks such Transformation Africa/Global Day of Prayer, to mention but a few. 

Nearly half of the countries in Southern Africa are engaged in some expression of a National Initiative.  The first National Initiative in the region was launched in Zimbabwe in the early 1990s.  Called “Target 2000”, this strategic partnership involved 60 denominations in an effort to plant 10,000 congregations in un-churched areas by the end of the decade.   Intrigued by what was happening across their borders, Swaziland sent a group of leaders from 13 denominations to attend the Target 2000 national congress in 1992.  Profoundly challenged, they returned home and helped the three major church associations to launch a partnership called the “Swaziland Evangelism Task.”

The AD2000 & Beyond Movement, and in particular the GCOWE 97, was used by God to light the fire of additional national movements across the region.  The Namibia delegation was inspired to launch the Transformation Namibia movement, with significant strides made in networking church, business and government leaders.  Building upon the foundation of the Love Southern Africa initiative, The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa helped to initiate the World Evangelization Network of South Africa (WENSA) which serves as a network of ministry streams within the country.

The Malawi National Initiative for Missions and Evangelism took initial steps following GCOWE 97 and the Copperbelt Survey began as a pilot project in Zambia in the years to follow.  Lesotho has explored the initiation of a National Initiative and strong interest has been expressed in Botswana.  The Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa converged at MANI 06 and voiced their commitment to encourage one another in the formation of national movements. 

Each initiative is at a different stage of development.  Several are vital and growing.  Some are in the exploratory stage.  Others may need revitalization.  Yet all are expressive of the desire among many African leaders to mobilize the whole Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission within their nation and beyond.  



  1. Networking functions.
    1. We have made our database available to some groups.
    2. We have facilitated networking among certain groups.
  • We have networked with some of these groups on certain projects.
  1. We have provided resource persons/materials for some of these groups and have received vice versa.
  2. We have served as a clearinghouse for certain groups, providing endorsement of their ministry.
  3. We have represented Africa at the global level and have assisted in the African registration process for major global events.
  • We have helped the Church to focus her resources where they make the most difference.
  • We have identified gaps and have sought to bridge resources to meet these priority needs.
  1. In which ways has this networking accomplished the purposes of MANI? (benefits)
    1. We have helped to connect outside networks/organizations with credible, functional African leaders. This has served to strengthen the ANI process in Africa.
    2. We have been able to guide outside organizations to prioritize needs within Africa.
  2. Guiding principles.
    1. Partnerships at the country level do not necessarily translate into partnership with MANI.
    2. MANI prioritizes the local African church, helping her to take the responsibility for what needs to be done in Africa.
      1. Anything from the outside must encourage this.
  • MANI emphasizes the mobilization of the whole Body of Christ.
    1. Outside input must enhance ANIs and serve to mobilize the whole Body of Christ.
  1. MANI is (and will) not become event-oriented. We are a movement of people. 
  2. We don’t want to engage in any project that will perpetuate dependency and outside control.
  3. We are open to outside resources but to be implemented at our discretion. The African Church has matured and must relate with outside organizations as equals. The message of MANI 2006 is that the African Church has come to maturity. 
  • We are committed to encourage what will strengthen local initiatives and empower the African Church. Any group/network that we work with must share this understanding.
  • MANI should play the role of advocacy within the African Church and a prophetic role to those coming in to help from the outside; the latter need to be coached in how to partner effectively to advance the goals of the African Church.
  1. We don’t want to control anything; but when organizations/networks seek our help we must make decisions regarding the degree to which we help them.
  2. Any network that is willing to come to MANI asking for guidance is demonstrating sincerity. We should interface frankly with them, spelling out the criteria that guide MANI.
  3. It’s all about genuinely empowering national initiatives and encouraging unity in the Body of Christ.


MANI is coordinated by a team consisting of a Continental Coordinator and Regional Coordinators. The Team seeks to facilitate the MANI vision at a continental level and works with National Coordinators, Regional and National Church and Missions leaders, Network Coordinators and Task Force leaders whose responsibilities are related to the following areas:

  1. Helping African Church Leaders and God’s people to understand the ‘kairos’ moment that has come upon the Church in Africa and the mandate from God for the Church to play significant role in the end-time harvest
  2. Building bridges of understanding between older missions and emerging missions in Africa, on one hand, and between the former harvest forces that are becoming harvest fields and the former harvest fields that are becoming strong harvest forces.
  3. Helping Missions and Ministries from outside and within Africa to explore new and strategic ways of doing ministry in Africa

What Are the Roles of Continental and Regional Coordinators?

The role of the Continental and Regional Coordinators is to function together as a team:

  1. Catalyzing and keeping the MANI vision – keeping a primary focus on the unfinished task in Africa and the development of an African missions’ movement with global impact;
  2. Planning for and facilitating the MANI process;
  3. Developing policies and the observance of codes of practice;
  4. Providing accountability and requiring it at appropriate levels;
  5. Providing encouragement and appropriate levels of assistance to National Coordinators;
  6. Encouraging and facilitating Regional Consultations at appropriate times;
  7. Editing and approving special reports to be released on MANI E group;
  8. Provide liaison with global and continental networks.

What are the Selection Criteria for Regional and National Coordinators?

  1. Credibility: An active member of a local church, recognized by national leaders and respected by the different segments of the church as in good standing in his or her immediate Christian community.  In the case of a National Coordinator a letter of recommendation from the leadership of his/her ministry or denomination will be required.
  2. Experience: A responsible Christian leader who is recognized in a particular interest area or resource network. Regional Coordinators must have a proven track record in facilitating a functioning National Initiative and National Coordinators in facilitating inter church activities.
  3. Bridge builder: Prepared to build bridges between God’s people within his/her country, region and internationally.
  4. Spiritual maturity: Above reproach in his or her testimony; approved by church leadership in the country and with his or her own accountability support structure.
  5. Vision: Burden for the church in his or her region/country and for the evangelization of the region/country. A person who desires to see a church for every people and the gospel for every person in his/her region, country and the world.
  6. Team player: Works well with others. Can comfortably interact with others who might disagree with him or her while maintaining mutual respect.
  7. Leadership qualities with organizational support: Has the financial support base and organizational structure to facilitate National Initiatives within his or her region or country.
  8. A person of faith: Prepared to trust God for finances and other resources necessary to carry out his or her job description and related activities in his or her region/country.
  9. Ability to communicate: Must be able to communicate in the regional/national language of his or her region/country. Must also have a capability for email communication and be will to acknowledge receipt of all MANI related messages and provide at least an initial response, within 72 hours, to messages requesting feedback.
  10. Action: Must be pro-active. Must see that the appropriate action steps are being taken to bring about the realization of the goals and purposes of MANI in his or her region/country.

What are the Job Descriptions for Regional Coordinators?

  1. Casting and stimulating the vision of MANI in the countries within his or her region.
  2. Facilitating on-going National Initiatives and seeing that initiatives are launched in countries where none exist.
  3. Encouraging National Coordinators in the execution of their responsibilities.
  4. Coordinating regional activities, programmes and projects.
  5. Being accountable to MANI Continental Coordinating Team (i.e. Continental and all Regional Coordinators), National Coordinators in his or her Region and his or her own accountability structure.
  6. Mentoring National Coordinators and Regional Resource Network Coordinators in his or her Region.
  7. Communicating information related to MANI’s objectives to Continental, Regional and National levels of the movement.
  8. Providing liaison between National Initiatives within his or her Region and the continent.
  9. Generating resources to carry out Regional programmes and keeping adequate accounting records of all financial transactions related to MANI projects.
  10. Identifying and recommending credible leaders for National Initiatives and Resource Networks.
  11. Providing encouraging reports and models related to the MANI vision for circulation on MANI E groups and for publication.

What is the Job Description for National Coordinators?

  1. Casting and stimulating the vision of MANI in his or her country.
  2. Facilitating on-going National and State/Provincial Initiatives and seeing that initiatives are launched where none exist.
  3. Encouraging Network and State/Provincial Coordinators in the execution of their responsibilities.
  4. Coordinating national activities, programmes and projects.
  5. Being accountable to MANI Regional Coordinator for his or her Region and his or her own accountability structure.
  6. Mentoring Network and State/Provincial Coordinators in his or her country.
  7. Communicating information related to MANI’s objectives to Continental and Regional levels of the movement.
  8. Providing liaison with National Initiatives with in his or her Region and the continent.
  9. Generating resources to carry out National programmes and keeping adequate accounting records of all financial transactions related to MANI projects.
  10. Identifying and recommending credible leaders for National Networks and State/Provincial Initiatives.
  11. Providing encouraging reports and models related to the MANI vision for circulation on MANI E groups and for publication.


MANI is primarily a catalytic movement networking and operating through existing organizational structures.  As such it is not a funding agency. It is not anticipated that MANI will establish itself with its own office and paid staff. Rather it is expected that those who serve as coordinators at continental, regional, national and ministry network levels will do so from and with the support of their existing ministry base.

  1. Consultations at continental, regional, national and ministry network levels should be planned as self-funding projects, usually through registration/participation fees, travel and full board costs at the expense of the participants, free-will donations and gifts in cash and services from individuals, churches, organizations, and other groups locally and from outside, who subscribe to the vision of MANI and /or the particular purpose for which such consultation is planned.
  2. Specific projects that will enhance the realization of the goals and objectives of MANI are usually submitted for special grants and support from funding agencies and interest groups that are positively inclined towards such projects. This has been the case with the Country Assessment Project (Research), Church Planting Movement, Go North!/S2NAP, etc.
  3. An annual plan and budget is to be prepared by the Continental, Regional, National, Ministry Network Coordinators as operational costs for publications, newsletters, email groups, office expenses, seed money for consultations, travel of Continental, Regional, National or Ministry Network coordinators as the case might be.
  4. All support gifts designated for MANI are to be receipted and if possible held in a dollar banking account to be operated by the Continental Coordinator in conjunction with the MANI Continental Treasurer at the continental level, and as convenient and appropriate at the Regional, National and Ministry Networks levels.
  5. Income and expense accounts are to be prepared by the MANI Continental Treasurer and presented to the Continental Leadership Team during the annual leadership team meetings. Same practice should be applicable at the Regional, National and Ministry Network levels.


MANI does not see itself as having a monopoly on the task of evangelization in Africa. Nor does it have the manpower, ministry-giftings and material resources for the completion of the task. These resources are to be found in the denominations, churches, ministries and mission agencies that make up the Body of Christ. 

MANI is a movement committed to affirming and serving existing structures and ministries as a catalyst and network of networks for the mobilization of the Body of Christ in cooperative efforts to reach the least evangelized nationally, regionally and globally.

MANI’s commitment is to servant hood and cooperation with continental, regional and national structures, networks and ministries called to the Great Commission mandate.


The members of the MANI Continental team have established relationships with (and involved in some of the following) the WEA Missions Commission, Third World Missions Association, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Joshua Project and the Association of Evangelicals in Africa. MANI also maintains fraternal relationship with other continental bodies such as COMIBAM, Asia Mission Association (AMA), while maintaining some form of working relationship with some global strategic ministry focus-networks (such as Ethne, Vision 5-9, IPC, NAP, Global Member-Care, etc,) through specific representations

It is anticipated that MANI will adopt the following documents related to the above bodies:

         –  Lausanne Covenant as MANI’s doctrinal statement.

         –  Joshua Project definitions and security standards

Note the above is extracted from MANI documents tabled and adopted at ‘MANI 2006’



  1. Reuben Ezemadu ezemadu@gmail.com Continental Coordinator
  2. Mario Li Hing [MEMBER, ADVISORY TEAM] mariolihing@gmail.com ,
  3. Younoussa Djao ydjao@pobox.com CPM/ADVISORY TEAM
  4. Austen Ukachi ” acukachi@hotmail.com
  5. Harriet Muthami Ngugi harrietkatts@gmail.com
  6. Lusophone Representative
  7. Gomba F. Oyor” gfoyor@yahoo.com CONTINENTAL TREASURER
  8. Jane Waithaka ftt@gmail.com MANI ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT


  1. Dean Carlson deancarlson@oci.org MANI International Liaison, Advocate and Ambassador
  2. Ross Campbell [Intl. Liaison/MEMBER, ADVISORY TEAM] campbell.mani@gmail.com ,
  3. Joao Barbosa Oliveira Jr [MANI Adviser & Liaison Person for IBERO-LATIN America] africa@gmail.com


  1. Peter Tarantal tarantal@om.org MEMBER, ADVISORY TEAM
  2. Jon Lewis [ADVISORY TEAM]” jonlewis23@gmail.com ,
  3. Gord Sawatzky [ADVISORY TEAM] sawatzky@aimint.org
  4. Barbara Bills [CPM/MEMBER, ADVISORY TEAM] barb@linkmail.org ,
  5. Richard Flemming [Advisory Team] rflemming@fellowship.ca


  1. Daniel Mpondo maevasev@gmail.com Regional Coordinator; MANI DIASPORA AUSTRALASIA REGION
  2. Peter Oyugi” poyugi5@yahoo.co.uk MANI DIASPORA EUROPE Regional Coordinator
  3. Dominique DICK [MANI DIASPORA CARRIBEAN/CENTRAL AMERICA]” domisya@gmail.com ,
  4. Lloyd Chinn [Prospective Regional Coordinator; MANI DIASPORA NORTH AMERCIA]” l.chinn@worldventures.com ,


  1. Dr Samuel Kebreab samuelkebreab@yahoo.com THE HORN OF AFRICA REGION
  2. Dr. Geoffrey Njuguna [EAST AFRICA REGION] drnjugunagk@icloud.com


  1. Peter Vumisa” [SOUTHERN AFRICA REGION] vumisapeter@gmail.com
  2. Antonio Mussaqui antoniomussaqui@gmail.com [Regional Coordinator; MANI PORTUGUESE SPEAKING AFRICA REGION
  3. Dinah Ratsimbajaona dinah@hotmail.com [INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS REGION]


  1. Sampson Dorkunor [MANI ANGLOPHONE WEST AFRICA REGION 1] sdorkunor@yahoo.com
  2. EmmaJoe Nwachukwu (MANI ANGLPHONE WEST AFRICA REGION 2) crmissions@yahoo.com ,


  1. Anatole BANGA a_banga@yahoo.fr [FRANCOPHONE CENTRAL AFRICA] Regional Coordinator;
  2. Younoussa Djao [FRANCOPHONE WEST AFRICA REGION] ydjao@pobox.com Regional Coordinator

Assistants: Adeteju Ali-Dawood adetejualiawood@yahoo.com ; Dawood Ali alidawood380@gmail.com



Austen Ukachi ” acukachi@hotmail.com , [Coordinator]


Esme Bowers esme@calvarysanctuary.org.za  [CHAIRPERSON]



Prosper Isichei prosfrank@yahoo.co.uk [COORDINATOR]


Willie Botha willieelize@gmail.com  [COORDINATOR]


Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong Manso yawfrimpongmanso@yahoo.com  [CHAIRMAN]

Gideon Para-Mallam gideonpar.mall@gmail.com [EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR]


Marina Prins membercaremc@gmail.com [CONSULTANT/ADVISER]

Lucy Kega  LKega@citam.org & Monica Miako mkmiako@yahoo.com  [CO-COORDINATORS]

  2. OBED UZODINMA & DR. MRS. CHINYERE OBED obed.apostolicdiscipleship@yahoo.com [CO-COORDINATORS]

JONATHAN ONIGBINDE  jonathanonigbinde@gmail.com [CHAIRPERSON]


  2. MARIO LI HING mariolihing@gmail.com [CHAIRMAN]



BISHOP JACOB OKOSE ledbyus@yahoo.com 


Younoussa Djao [ydjao@pobox.com]









  1. Affirmation of THE UNIQUENESS OF MANI AS A MOVEMENT, nothing more, nothing less.
  2. Affirmation of THE UNIQUENESS OF THE MANI VISION as focused primarily on “The Completion of the Great Commission mandate in the continent of Africa and in the rest of the world”.
  3. Affirmation of our MISSION as “To catalyze, (affirm, mobilize, inspire, engage) the Body of Christ in Africa for greater involvement in completing the Great Commission mandate by reaching the unreached first in their own country and in the rest of the world”
  4. Affirmation of MANI’s ROLE and PURPOSE as CATALYZING, FACILITATING, and COMMUNICATING the Great Commission Vision so that every member of the Body of Christ will find and be playing their roles in the fulfillment of the Great Commission particularly among the UPGs, everywhere and with appropriate tools under the guidance, leading, and direction of the Holy Spirit
  5. Affirmation of our INDIVIDUAL COMMITMENT to understand, carry out, model, communicate and facilitate other believers in pursuing the same Great Commission Vision starting from our homes, primary ministries, networks, regions, national platforms, global forums and wherever we find ourselves
  6. Affirmation of the KAIROS MOMENT that has dawned on us and all mankind, precipitating and creating conditions which bring about the ripening of the harvest and throwing up challenges which need to be confronted and assailed in order to gather the ripe harvest
  7. Affirmation of our CORPORATE COMMITMENT to continue to work towards ensuring that the whole body of Christ is engaged together and in partnership with each other, towards the accomplishment of the Great Commission task, making use of all the resources that the Lord has endowed us with in our respective communities and contexts.
  8. Affirmation of OUR NEED FOR UTTER DEPENDENCE upon the Father – the Lord of the Harvest, the Son – the Author and Finisher of our Faith and the Holy Spirit – the Comforter, our Energizer for the work, through commitment to the study of the Word and Prayer.


Lessons in Mentorship: Elijah and Elisha

Lessons in Mentorship: Elijah and Elisha
September 18, 2014 • Kim Sullivan

He was out in the field, minding his own business, when the man of God came up and threw his cloak over his shoulders.

It was a proposition. An invitation.

A foretaste of a Man who later would invite fishermen who were also busy about their work to come and follow. The field worker asked if he may say his goodbyes, but he does more than that. He burns his equipment; destroying any possibility of returning to the life he once lived.

“So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them. He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant(1 Kings 19:21 NLT).

The story of Elijah and Elisha may be the most obvious mentorship story in the Bible. It tells us much about both the role of the protégé and the mentor. In his first encounter with Elijah, Elisha is willing to let go of his occupation, his family, and the life he had built thus far in order to follow after a man offering his mentorship. He killed his oxen and destroyed the yoke, giving the proceeds to his neighborhood. This would be the equivalent of selling a business and throwing a party with the proceeds.

  1. A protégé must be willing to spend time focusing on the assignment of a mentor before qualifying for an assignment of their own.

So much can be learned by observing the life of another. We can learn from their habits and disciplines, how they relate to others, and even from their faults. Elisha was destined for a double portion, but if he had never first offered himself as a servant to Elijah, he would have remained a farmer and never performed the amazing miracles that blessed the lives of so many others.

“Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, for the LORD has told me to go to the Jordan River.” But again Elisha replied, “As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.” So they went on together. Fifty men from the group of prophets also went and watched from a distance as Elijah and Elisha stopped beside the Jordan River.” (2 Kings 2:6-7 NLT).

Bible scholars believe that Elisha served Elijah for six years before Elijah was ushered into Heaven. At this time an interesting test was set before Elisha. It was common knowledge among the prophets of the age that Elijah’s time had come. Elijah three times told Elisha to stay behind, but each time his assistant refused to leave his side. Others were watching from a distance, but Elisha wanted a close up and personal view of what God was about to do in Elijah’s life. Those watching from a distance were not left with the double portion, only the one who had persevered.

  1. A protégé must be willing to stay close to a mentor even when remaining is difficult.

“Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak, which had fallen when he was taken up. Then Elisha returned to the bank of the Jordan River (2 Kings 2:6, 13 NLT).

At their first encounter, Elijah placed his cloak on Elisha’s shoulders, but it wasn’t time for him to take up the mantel of the Prophet yet. But after Elisha had proven himself faithful as an assistant, Elijah left him his cloak as a symbol that it was now time for the younger man to fulfill the plans God had for him. Rather than rejoicing that his time had come, Elisha was crushed to see his mentor leave, proving that he wasn’t serving Elijah just to propel his own future. After he mourned, he picked up the cloak that Elijah had left for him.

  1. A protégé must wait patiently until the appointed time to pick up the mantel left behind by others.

Many times, we are fooled into thinking that it is the job of the mentor to pursue the protégé, but this biblical account reveals that Elisha’s success was found in the protégé’s relentless pursuit of his mentor. Being under the tutelage of another can be difficult. At times we are asked to do hard things. Perhaps our perception of the mentor is challenged when we are introduced to the humanness of someone we greatly respect. But the reward is great for those protégés who press beyond these struggles until the day when the baton is clearly passed on to them.


Gehazi: torn between Naaman’s Gifts and Elisha’s Spirit

Gehazi: torn between Naaman’s Gifts and Elisha’s Spirit

Sometime last week, I read, as my morning devotional the story of Naaman, Elisha and Gehazi in 2 Kings 5. The passage for consideration focused on Gehazi’s deceitful act. I took some time to meditate and arrived at the conclusion used as the title of this post.

The following is a summary:

The above picture, culled from Wikipedia is that of Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, laying his master’s staff over the son of the Shunammite woman who had died. This story is found in 2 Kings chapter 4.

The next chapter, 5, tells the story of how Naaman humbled himself, considered the advice of his servants and obeyed the instruction of Prophet Elisha to go wash(bath) in Jordan 7-times in order to have his leprosy cleansed. In a show of gratitude, Naaman returned to the Prophet’s abode to testify:

2 Kings 5:15: and he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel……

Naaman then offered to give the man of God some gifts. Elisha refused the gifts and asked Naaman to go in peace. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant was obviously somewhere listening and suddenly, the spirit of covetousness gripped him. He planned (verse 20) to “run after Naaman” and collect for himself the gifts his master had refused.

Verse 21: Gehazi executed his plan, ran after Naaman and his men, and told Naaman a lie: that his master just had some guests and therefore requested for a talent of silver and 2-changes of garment. Naaman really has a large heart, he gave Gehazi what he had requested for and even asked his own servants to help carry them back with Gehazi.

The rest of the chapter details what transpired between Elisha and Gehazi. He thought Elisha didn’t know what happened, so he tried covering up his act with another lie. Elisha cursed him and pronounced Naaman’s leprosy on him. He immediately became leprous, white as snow.

My meditation:

As far as chapter-4 is concerned, Gehazi was on training. The Bible doesn’t record any other previous go and perform a miracle with my staff” / similar training opportunity afforded to Gehazi by Elisha. Perhaps there was, perhaps there wasn’t.

Assuming the Shunammite woman’s son was Gehazi’s first attempt to perform a miracle (riding on Elisha’s instruction), I wonder why Gehazi wasn’t more concerned about his inability to raise the boy with Elisha’s staff; and why Elisha had to come and do it himself. He could have at least asked his master why he failed, just like the servants of Jesus asked him why they failed in casting out a devil in Matthew 17: 14-21.

Elisha himself had done something similar in 2 Kings 2:14, “where is the God of Elijah”, as he used Elijah’s mantle to divide Jordan and pass through. Perhaps Elisha wasn’t sure of himself at that time, or he just wanted to ride on his master’s powers, whichever way it was, he divided the river for his own benefit. For me, this meant there was the possibility that Gehazi could have raised the boy from death by just acting on Elisha’s instruction and using his staff. Unfortunately, Gehazi wasn’t interested in his own failure.

I thought: or perhaps Gehazi wasn’t interested in any of the spiritual gifts manifested by his master. Perhaps, he was just on for the ride and nothing more. In those days, men of God were celebrities in the society, and definitely some of such must have rubbed off on Gehazi. Thus, when the opportunity presented itself for him to enrich his pockets through Naaman, his true intentions were revealed.

I asked myself if Gehazi had heard: (1) about Elijah and how he was taken away by a chariot of fire, (2) of how Elisha healed the waters at Jericho, (3) of how 42-children were killed by wild beasts because they mocked Elisha, (4) of how Moab was destroyed (chapter 3) and (5) of the miraculous provision for a widow of a prophet(chapter4:1-7). While the exact time that Gehazi began his servanthood with Elisha isn’t known, it could be safe to say that for Elisha to give him(Gehazi) his staff and send him on an errand(Shunammite’s), he(Gehazi) and his master must have been together for a while to afford enough trust and familiarity.

Gehazi could have at least coveted a measure of the spirit that worked through his master.

Although his act wasn’t commended, but could we say at least he tried; I mean Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8: 9-24) who was testified to have believed the words which the apostles taught, was baptized and afterward continued with Philip; all the while wondering how the apostles performed the miracles and signs he witnessed. And perhaps ending up in total confusion, as he could not understand the how, what, and where that worked through the apostles, he thought it best to offer money to buy Power in order to lay hands on people so they would receive the Holy Ghost.

Gehazi was totally far from Simons state of mind. He wasn’t even interested in anything spiritual to start with. And between greed and humility, Naaman is better qualified than Gehazi.

I concluded my meditation by wondering why Gehazi wasn’t covetous enough to ask his master for a double portion of his (Elisha’s) spirit. If he did, if he received his request just like Elisha received his from Elijah, we could have had a Prophet Gehazi who would have had 4-times the spirit of Elijah. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. Gehazi ended up as a leper.

Your comments and opinions are welcome!




God sees children as incredibly important. For better or worse, so does the rest of the world.

A few years ago, I attended a Fortune 500 conference. The theme insisted that to make your brand successful, you have to make sure it’s ingrained in children by the time they are eight years old. The brand didn’t matter; it could be Apple or Nike or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Any brand that you want to sell to adults 15 years from now must be instilled in children growing up right now. The bottom line: branding a product in the mind of a child equals gaining a consumer for life.

The same principle applies in the spiritual world. For years, the American Church has anecdotally accepted the statistic that 80% of adult Christians had made their decision for Christ prior to age 18. This motivated American believers to present the Gospel to what appeared to be the most fertile mission field — children and teens.

71% of America’s believers chose Christ between the ages of four and fourteen. Some put that figure even lower.

What we understand today is that the window for reaching children and youth with the Gospel has narrowed considerably. The 4/14 Movement has concluded that some 71% of America’s believers chose Christ between the ages of four and fourteen. Some put that figure even lower. Read more here…Download the full report here.