We have, at the moment, the challenge before us in MANI of finding successors for the current corps of leadership and developing the next generation of leaders in MANI. The current and past leaders have taken MANI to whole new level of operation and influence and now we face the challenge of finding leaders who can pick up from where they are leaving (or have left) off and build to a new level.
We sense that Great Commission leaders are not so common these days; leaders ready to think outside the box and pioneer innovative developments. But this is in itself a good reason why we must believe for such successors. A dynamic movement can become a monument for want of visionary leadership. That is the more reason to deliberately search for or develop such leaders for MANI to remain a cutting edge movement.
MANI for its own survival and justifiable existence requires leaders who have been prepared by God for the task; people who understand the Great Commission mandate and hold a strong conviction and dare to believe that it ‘can be done and will be done’ in their life time through the mobilization of the nation’s churches and ministries
In MANI we need leaders able to visualize the day when nations will be saturated with healthy community transforming churches committed to global evangelization. Only leaders with clear vision and a strong faith in God’s purposes can give direction and develop strategies that will see all churches and ministries renewed spiritually, reformed structurally and engaging in revolutionary evangelism and mission that will reach the least- reached.
In addition to being forward looking visionaries with a strong faith and sense of call, we need leaders who have a servant-heart and the ability to listen to and work with leaders of all churches and ministries – even those who might disagree with them.
MANI leaders must be ready and able to give a total commitment to serving the process of national initiative development; that they should not be expected to lead the process while holding another demanding position or be responsible for multiple activities. Such people can never give the focus, time and creative energy required to develop a pioneering movement for a whole nation. Of course this has a lot of implication for the support and funding of leaders in such full time capacity. We should therefore pray and seek for such leaders who have an understanding of a divine calling and mandate to serve in such capacities and/or a base that will release and support them to solely pursue such assignments in such capacities.