In Leadership,News

1st African Congress on Discipleship 01 – 05 May 2017 Nairobi – Kenya


Out of the great need for transformational discipleship on the continent, and as adopted in the MANI congress of March 2016 in Addis Ababa, African Senior Church and Para-Church leaders gathered from 1st – 5thMay 2017 at the Dimesse Sisters Retreat Center Karen, Nairobi.The aim of this important gathering was to deliberate on various discipleship models that could lead to a contagious transformational Christianity on the continent of Africa and beyond. The theme of the Congress was “Initiating a Transformational Discipleship Revolution in the Churches of Africa and the World”. The congress attracted 95 delegates of various denominations from 11 countries respectively:15 people from Ghana, 6 people from DR Congo, 8 people from Rwanda, 27 people from Kenya, 1 person from Zambia, 2 people from Tanzania, 2 people from Ethiopia, 28 people from Nigeria, 1 person from Malawi, 2 people from the United States of America, 3 people from the United Kingdom.

We want to deeply appreciate the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to the delegates of the Congress by the Dimesse Sisters. We commend the organizers under the coordination of Dr. Reuben Ezemadu and all the logistical support by our sister Jane. We also want to give special recognition and thanks to the leadership of the MANI Transformational Discipleship Track, Dr. U.& Dr. Mrs. Obed.

The Congress was marked by early morning Devotions, the Keynote address by Dr. Obed and paper presentations on discipleship models. With focus on pursuit of a holistic fulfillment of the great commission and harmonization of the concept of discipleship in his Keynote address, Dr. Obed set the tone of the congress. He emphasized that the Congress is to initiate a worthy revolution. The following discipleship models were subsequently presented:

  • Purpose Driven Movement
  • Alpha Course
  • Disciple Making Movement
  • Scripture Union
  • Believers Spiritual Growth
  • A case for Home-Based Spiritual Nurture
  • African Strategic Discipleship Movement
  • Your Kingdom Come
  • Acts 2:42 Initiative; and a few others.

The feeling at the congress was a desperate need to see God create a discipleship revolution through the African Church that would sweep the entire continent and send missionaries overseas. Engaging discussions in small table groups followed each presentation. The following 5 questions were used to guide the discussion in these break-up sessions.

  • How comprehensible was the presentation?
  • What do you consider to be the significant merits of the discipleship model?
  • Do you think it can work in your local church or denomination? Why do you think so?
  • Do you think the churches in Africa should try it out?
  • Do you have any other observation or suggestion?

It is our hope that when the final proceedings of the congress are released it will unleash an unstoppable discipleship revolutionthat our continent badly needs. There is a general call by the participants that all Church leaders will see the importance and urgency of Transformational Discipleship. They are urged to see how to adopt, adapt, and apply some of the Discipleship models irrespective of denominations

Also, to help raise Christ like disciples who will be agents of change, and provide the needed leadership to impact their society, communities and nations for Africa to realize its maximum potential.

Finally, we thank God who made this Congress possible and helped it to succeed tremendously. May His Kingdom come and His will be done.

(Signed)                                                                     (Signed)

Dr Reuben Ezemadu                                                 Dr U. Obed

African MANI Coordinator                                       MANI ACD Coordinator

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